Pancasila: Jurnal Keindonesiaan (PJK) is scientific journal published biannually (April & October) by Badan Pembinaan Ideologi Pancasila (BPIP), Republic of Indonesia. PJK constitutes an international journal to facilitate researchers, policy makers, and practitioners to contribute their scientific works on latest theoretical and practical aspects of social phenomena and policy. PJK includes multidisciplinary studies with focuses on the field of History of Pancasila (Sejarah Pancasila); Ideology of Pancasila (Ideologi Pancasila); Philosophy of Pancasila (Filsafat Pancasila); Democracy of Pancasila (Demokrasi Pancasila); Economy of Pancasila (Ekonomi Pancasila); Constitutional Law (Hukum Tata Negara); Human Rights (Hak Asasi Manusia); Citizenship (Kewarganegaraan). The journal is an open-access journal which can be accessed and downloaded online and for free.  PJK is published semi-annually in April and October. The manuscripts will have to go through a peer-blind review process as an attempt for high objectivity. Academics, researchers, policy makers, and practitioners are cordially encouraged and welcome to submit their manuscripts at PJK (

Author Fee


Pancasila: Jurnal Keindonesiaan (PJK) is pleased to inform its valued authors and stakeholders of a significant policy change.

From this edition (Vol 5 No 1), PJK will discontinue its practice of providing financial benefits to authors whose articles are published in our Open Journal System (OJS).

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Pemberitahuan untuk Mengunggah Ulang Artikel (Annoucement to Re-upload)


Berkenaan dengan adanya perbaikan pada laman PJK pada Januari 2025, kami beritahukan kepada seluruh Penulis untuk mengunggah ulang artikel pada OJS PJK untuk proses review publikasi Volume 5 Nomor 1 Tahun 2025. 


Due to website maintenance on January 2025, we suggest that all submitters re-upload your article in OJS PJK to further process for publication Vol. 5 No. 1 2025.

Pembaharuan Pedoman dan Template Penulisan Pancasila: Jurnal Keindonesiaan 2023 (New Template)


Harap diperhatikan bahwa PJK menggunakan template dan pedoman penulisan baru mulai saat ini (Sejak Volume 3 Nomor 2 Oktober Tahun 2023). Template ini dapat berubah, oleh karena itu, silakan unduh di sini setiap kali Anda memformat artikel untuk diserahkan

Please note that PJK uses a new template from now on. It may be subject to modifications, therefore, please download it here each time you format a paper for submission

Penyampaian Hasil Akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah PJK BPIP RI (Accreditation News)


Jurnal ilmiah PJK BPIP meraih peringkat tiga (SINTA 3), berdasar Lampiran Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi KEMENDIKBUDRISTEK RI Nomor 79/E/KPT/2023 Tentang Peringkat Akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah Periode I Tahun 2023, Tanggal 11 Mei 2023, dengan nomor urut 175, hasil akreditasi dimaksud diberitahukan dengan Surat Direktur Riset, Teknologi, dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (DRTPM) Nomor 0826/E5.3/HM.01.00/2023 Tanggal 24 Juli 2023, serta diunggah dalam situs

Pancasila: Jurnal Keindonesiaan has been nationally accredited through Sinta (Science and Technology Index) with a rank of 3 (SINTA 3). The certificate can be seen at the following link:

Pembuatan Akun Baru (Register New Account)


Sehubungan dengan pembaharuan/perbaikan sistem, apabila terdapat pengunjung yang melakukan registrasi namun belum menerima email verifikasi dapat menghubungi tim editorial melalui email.

Due to maitenance. if there are visitors who make a new registration but still have not received the verification email yet. Feel free to contact our team by email.



Inviting academics, researchers, policy makers, and practitioners in the field of ideology to participate in writing scientific papers in accordance with the Focus & Scope, Publication Ethics and the Pancasila Manuscript Template: Indonesian Journal.

The following is the Deadline for Manuscript Collection and the latest information updates related to the publication of Pancasila: Indonesian Journals throughout 2024:




Vol 4, No. 1 April 2024

Februari, 2024

Paper Submission

Vol 4, No. 2 October 2024

July, 2024

Paper Submission