Focus and Scope
The focus and scope of this journal are social sciences and humanities issues in the fields of:

  • History of Pancasila (Sejarah Pancasila);
  • Ideology of Pancasila (Ideologi Pancasila);
  • Philosophy of Pancasila (Filsafat Pancasila);
  • Democracy of Pancasila (Demokrasi Pancasila);
  • Economy of Pancasila (Ekonomi Pancasila);
  • Constitutional Law (Hukum Tata Negara);
  • Human Rights (Hak Asasi Manusia);
  • Citizenship (Kewarganegaraan).

Languages: English, Indonesian

Editorial Team: Yudian Wahyudi, Surahno, Muhammad Sabri, Ani Purwanti, Ahsan Yunus, M. Zulfa Aulia, Fajar Ahmad Setiawan, Aga Natalis, Asep Kusnadi, Pankratius Balun, Rimon AM Siregar, Ardian Prasetyo, Maersk Ramadani Gumay, Desy Susilawati, Satrio Suryo Suseno, Puji Hartana, Noviana Budi Utami, Rizki Amalia Temongmere, Hilwan Givari, Ahmad Masfuful Fuad, Anifatul Kiftiyah, Moh Imanudin, Ika Septia Wahyuningsih, Sudarti, Ryan Tude, Nur Hadiyati.

Publishers: Badan Pembinaan Ideologi Pancasila (BPIP), Republic of Indonesia

Start of Publication: 2021

Frequency: per year 2 times

Open Access: yes

Impact Factor (Till Macrh 2025)
- Citations GS: 560
- Index: 10

p-ISSN : 2797-3921
e-ISSN : 2797-3018

Archiving Policy
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS and CLOCKSS systems to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.